A New Perspective on Networking Yields 2 Job Offers
An HR executive gained a clear career story and new appreciation for networking. See why she recommends Navigate Forward to other senior leaders in transition and HR departments.
The 2-Minute Career Story Every Executive Jobseeker Needs
Learn how to craft a winning professional narrative in Anne Sample’s article for Talent Culture.
Remember Pants? How to Return to the Office in Style
Reintroducing yourself doesn’t have to be daunting. In fact, it’s an ideal time to rejuvenate your look and find a new self-confidence.
What Executive Jobseekers and Employers Can Expect in 2022
Senior leaders and employers are experiencing fast landings, multiple offers and more emphasis on retained search.
7 Steps to Take Before You Join the Great Resignation
Read CEO Anne Sample’s advice for executive jobseekers in this article on Fox Business.
6 Myths About Job Transition for Senior Leaders
Many organizations mistakenly assume a generous severance package is enough, and that only younger workers and middle managers need robust career transition support.
Five Strategies to Improve Your Employment Brand
CEOs and HR leaders, don’t miss Anne Sample’s podcast interview with Recruiting Daily. She shares practical guidance to recruit, engage and retain key talent.
Expecting A Job Offer? Now is the Time to Negotiate Your Exit
It may seem counterintuitive to consider your exit just as you’re making an entrance. But, agreeing upfront on separation benefits and terms, including outplacement services, lets senior executives start new roles on the right footing.
How to Pitch Yourself in 2 Minutes or Less—And Nail Your Dream Job
In this Fast Company article, our own Anne Sample shares how to craft a professional narrative that resonates with recruiters, hiring managers and networking contacts. This power-packed and forward-looking job search tool captures your career story at its most concise and memorable level.