Navigate Forward is proud to be named by Manage HR magazine as one of the Top 10 Outplacement Services Providers of 2023. The award recognizes our customized, one-on-one approach and exclusive focus on senior executives.
As Manage HR’s managing editor Alex Gonsalves notes, the outplacement marketplace has grown significantly; more businesses now understand the importance of this valuable assistance to help individuals move through career transition with confidence.
In particular, Navigate Forward’s approach to career transition stands out. The award recognizes differentiators like these that set us apart from traditional outplacement firms:
- A “no time limits” approach that focuses on client outcomes rather than length of support
- A powerhouse coaching team with peer-level consultants who average 30 years’ leadership experience
- A 1:12 client to consultant ratio that ensures personalized attention
“Our passion is helping executives discover and realize the work that inspires them, so we support every client until they land their new role, without any time limits,” said Anne Sample, Navigate Forward CEO.
>> Read our profile in the August 2023 issue of Manage HR magazine